Looking for a chilly fruit dessert you can make without a popsicle mold or ice cream maker? I got you. I always like to have one easy dessert on hand. Sometimes it's cookie dough I freeze to bake on demand, but when I just seriously do not need an oven on in my hot house, frozen treats are always a good thing. This grapefruit ginger sorbet has less than five ingredients. Crazy!!! And it stays pliable and kind of soft. No brick sorbet here thanks to the gooey honey.

Ginger Grapefruit Sorbet
Ginger Grapefruit Sorbet
Ginger Grapefruit Sorbet

Ginger Grapefruit Sorbet

/// Ingredients ///

  • 3 grapefruits
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 C crystalized ginger, chopped
  • 2/3 C organic wildflower honey


/// Directions/// Slice grapefruit and remove gems (the loose juice filled gems between the two white sheets) from the membrane of each grapefruit segment. Process the gems in a food processor with vanilla and honey. Whisk in crystalized ginger. Freeze for at least six hours and serve. 

Ginger Grapefruit Sorbet

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.