• Currently planning...something BIG and exciting with Events in the City founders Laura and Megan, Tyler the personal stylist from Fashion Styler and Joanna from the interior design firm Cline Rose. These women are like the cool kids. You would want to be their BFF if you met them. But we are all planning something very big, something very cool, and something each of you can be a part of. And that's all I can share right now. Mwahaha. Until then, go follow all of them on their blogs etc...
  • Currently mailing...Remember the other week when I posted the link to a site that shows you interesting things to mail? These Easter eggs are headed out today to a few people I adore, filled with fun.

  • Currently buying...the Farrari of cat litter boxes: the Modkat. You are going to think we are insane, but the husband first heard about this thing on one of his design blogs a few years ago. It's been on our 'to buy' list. But honestly, how in the hell are you going to justify a $135 cat litter box? Amazon.com credits from trade ins, that's how. No more exposed cat box. No more litter paws. I can't even apologize for this purchase.
  • Currently reading... The Happiness Project  in which the method author goes an entire year doing things to improve her happiness level. My business coach has already infused so much law of attraction and smart happiness things into my life I kind of felt the book was old hat. But if you are into method writing, definitely check it out from the library. I'm also catching up on back issues of Martha Stewart Living and have finally subscribed for my own. The husband is reading the latest Dwell (if you appreciate design, it's a must). And we are both flipping through the cookbook, Thrive that Vega so kindly sent me after I worked on some recipes with them.

  • Currently teaching...a corporate nutrition session at AOL headquarters. Their office is pretty sweet (see below). From ping pong tables to razor scooters, they encourage healthy employees. Another dietitian and I shared the best healthy lunch options and how they could do it every day. Later, I headed to my favorite boarding school, Foxcroft to talk with some girls about the dangers of juicing and cleanses and listen in on their student food committee meeting. One of my favorite things about the Foxcroft dining area? The flavor infused waters! Grapefruit basil, pineapple rosemary? Nice.

  • Currently wearing...Any way I can fit spring into my life without looking like a whack job, it's happening. Nautical stripes? Yes. They are in regular rotation now.

  •  Currently seen on... For national Dietitian Day, the South East Dairy Association featured be as one of their outstanding dietitians of the South! No sash included, but I was so, so happy to be 'Miss RD VA'.

What are you currently doing?