Home Made Sea Salt Peanut Butter Cups
Since November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month (reality: every month in this house), I wanted to share one of my favorite combinations: peanut butter and chocolate. My one packaged candy vice is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I really, really like them. Although not the pumpkin shaped ones or the Christmas tree shaped ones. So go figure. When I have a 'not so great for you' food craving, I try and take apart what it is about that particular food that I love. Reeses have a tinge of salt, a creamy peanut butter filling, and chocolate shell. I can make that happen. And now you can too: Healthier, Make At Home, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with Sea Salt.
To make them pretty and give them the dual layer shell I wanted, I used small tart tins (here's a similar one with a floral theme).
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with Sea Salt
- 1/2 c chocolate chips in double boiler (dark chocolate= healthier but you could do semi sweet)
- 1/4 c peanut or nut butter of your choice
- 1 teaspoon butter
- 1/8 c powdered sugar
- 1-2 tablespoons milk
Directions: Add chocolate chips to a double boiler, stiring constantly. When melted, fill 1/3 of each tin with chocolate, Tap on the counter to remove air bubbles and freeze for 15 minutes. ***NOTE: if you want a glossier, more structured 'top', put sea salt in before the inital chocolate layer and serve bottom side up after removing from tin. In retrospect, I wish I did this! I only realized it after we shot this and I took one out of the pan.***
While the first layer of chocolate is in the freezer, mix peanut butter, powdered sugar and milk in a bowl until smooth and combined. Remove the tins from the freezer and add the middle layer of peanut butter. Depending on how small your tins are, you may have extra filling. Tap on the counter. Freeze for 15 minutes. Remove and add top layer of chocolate. Tap to remove air bubbles and sprinkle on sea salt. Freeze for 15 minutes. Store in the fridge.
This is by no means a 'healthy-go for it all the time' recipe. This is a simplified, less processed version of a traditional junk food I happen to fancy. But by making it dark chocolate, you're adding antioxidants. And by picking a smart peanut butter with JUST nuts and maybe a little salt, you're reducing the sugar. That's something I can stand for.
What's your junk food vice?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.