4 Ingredient Healthy Corn Salad
Simple is good when you have quality starting points. And yet at the same time, simple is hard to pull off because there's nothing to hide behind. The beauty of this salad is that it's four, simple and healthy ingredients, two of which are important for beauty nutrition. Both corn and tomatoes have antioxidants, but corn is especially great with energizing B vitamins and filling fiber. But try this salad in November? I beg you not to. It will taste awful. The balance will be all wrong and you'll have to pile on all sorts of crap to hide the starting points and then console yourself with a pumpkin spice latte. Ah....the beauty of seasonality.
I like to keep a batch of this whipped up in the fridge for a snack, to toss on greens, or to fold in brown rice or quinoa. Today, I slid on some leftover baked herb salmon. How easy is that? Because corn is a starchy veggie, I really like to think of this as an alternative whole grain salad and build around that nutrition balance point.
4 Ingredient Corn Salad
/// Ingredients ///
- 2 ears fresh summer corn
- 1 medium tomato
- 2 tablespoons fresh basil
- sea salt
/// Directions ///
Shuck the corn and slice off into 'rugs' by standing the cob on end and slicing the knife downwards. Rotate the cob and slice off the kernels form all sides. Cut the tomato into wedges, 'de-gut' to remove extra liquid, and chop into bite sized pieces. No need to b exact here. Chiffonade the basil. Toss all ingredients together and add a sprinkle of sea salt. Store in a sealed container in the fridge.
Alternative flavor ideas:
- Skip the basil and add bell peppers, chopped vidallia onions and cajun seasoning
- Skip the basil and add cubed avocado and cojito cheese
- Skip the basil and add mint and lime.
- Skip the basil and add feta and mint.
What's your favorite simple dish?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.