Kate Spade Apple Prints
The husband once told me that going into Kate Spade with me equivilant to taking me to visit the animal shelter. I'm bringing something home. But the other day we just went for a Kate Spade play date so my current bag could visit its bag friends. And I didn't even bring anything home.
Probably only because this new Kate Spade dietitian-perfect apple collection wasn't in the store yet.
I'm really loving the simple styling that they chose for the apple. It's not overly detailed and I'm always a fan of black and white and gold. The price points on the gold apple ring, earrings and necklace are really good...under $50 for what could become a cute signature piece that's not over the top. The dress and other clothing items on the other hand...Not even remotely interested in paying full price for those ever. But they are adorable. Get the details below should your little fruit loving heart so desire.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.