FAQ — OhCarlene


You're married and work together?!

Suspend your disbelief- it's true. We've known each other since fourth grade (the yearbook pictures have laser backgrounds and we are both sufficiently awkward looking but it's amusing none the less) and are high school sweethearts. While Chris has always helped with the blog and business, he joined the company full time in 2015. No, we don't drive each other insane all the time. Usually other people drive us insane. 


what are your backgrounds in nutrition, food and design/photography?

Carlene is a registered dietitian nutritionist (see below) and comes from a crazy cooking family that likes to show love by feeding people. Chris went to school for design but also has an amazing memory and helped Carlene study throughout school and for her credentialing exam, so we consider him a 'honorary nutritionist'. 


What’s a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist?

Carlene is. She's also a Past President of the Virginia Academy of Nutrition and dietetics. In a nutshell, all dietitians are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are dietitians. A Registered Dietitian, or RD/RDN, is a health professional that has extensive nutrition education and training. In order for someone to become a dietitian we go through A LOT of work.  Read more about the process here.  If you want to learn more about her experience becoming a dietitian, read the Dietetic Internship posts and undergrad posts from James Madison University.  


What kind of diet do you eat? 

We love food. WE LOVE IT. We only eat what's worth it when it comes to 'treats'. You will never, ever see us eating a sub-par croissant. The rest of the time we eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, pulses and meat. We also eat mostly seasonally (because no one is like YAAAS FRENCH ONION SOUP in August in Virginia) except when it comes to produce that is frozen (short growing seasons and technology-freezing definitely preserves the nutrition and flavor of a lot of great things). 


What's your RSS feed so I can subscribe?

You can also add your email address at the bottom of every page to get the posts sent to you via email.



What's your privacy policy?

Very important question now that "GDPR" has rolled out in the EU. First, there are some affiliate links used in this website. It's not related to data collection, but sometimes we link to websites where if you make a purchase, a small percentage of the purchase is given back to us by the company. You're never required to use these links. 

Now onto GDPR. While this is  EU not US specific thing, if you're a reader in the EU, I want you to know we follow all EU regulations. This blog is not marketed to anyone in the UK and does not offer EU/UK services, however, I want you to know we're conscious of the regulations.

Here's how we collect possible data:

1. email newsletter sign ups: this asks for a name (any name) and an email address.

2. google analytics: in order to understand some information about who reads the blog so we can help create worthy content for readers and learn more about what we can do best for you, google analytics collects some information like state and how you found us (what link you clicked to come here). However, we only use non-privacy intrusive set ups. Google is also set to automatically delete all data retention after 26 months. 

Here's what we do to keep it safe:

1. we use two factor authentication to log into our accounts

2. we sent out an email to make sure everyone on the mailing list understood and wanted to remain on the list. 

You have the:

 • Right to be forgotten: You may terminate your subscription to the emails at any time. Your information will be 100% deleted.

• Right to object: You may opt out of inclusion of your data.

• Right to rectification: Specifically for our mailing list, you may access and update your MailChimp account settings at any time to correct or complete your account information. 

• Right of access: Our Privacy Policy describes what data we collect and how we use it. If you have specific questions about particular data, you can me

• Right of portability: We will export your account data to a third party at any time upon your request.

Healthfully Ever After & Carlene Thomas 2011-2022