Breakfast Caprese Salad
I absolutely love the combination of cheese and tomatoes. Remember the healthy pizza rounds? Exactly. But sometimes the tomatoes and cheese combo goes awry. An almost horrifically common summer dish I see everywhere is the Caprese Salad. Sometimes they are really bad: bland, sub-par tomatoes, mediocre mozzarella...and I just can't let that happen. What's the point in eating something that's not the best? That's why this salad is a surprise. Because those mozzarella balls...aren't mozzarella at all. They're soft boiled eggs!!!
Wait for it.
There you go!!! The runny yolk inside makes it a step above cheese with tomatoes because it gives that same creamy mouth-feel and protein to fat balance but makes the dish unexpected. And for that same reason, it makes this salad a healthy start to your day or brunch menu. Pair it with a slice of deep, dark whole grain and seedy bread for a salad that keeps you full and satisfied.
Of course I can't fail to mention the beauty food power of this combo. Lycopene will save your skin from summer burns while eggs are great for giving your body the nutrients it needs to build strong and shiny hair, nails and glowing skin.
Breakfast Caprese Salad
Egg tutorial (click over to see my full tutorial for the eggs)
/// Ingredients ///
- eggs
- tomatoes
- basil
- salt and pepper
/// Directions /// Place eggs in a pot. Cover with water an inch over the top of the eggs. Put a lid on the pot and heat on the stove until you hear the pot boiling. At the first start of the boil, set a timer for four minutes. Once the timer goes off, take the eggs out of the hot water and plunge them into ice water. After about a minute, peel. Slice tomatoes and stack eggs with tomatoes on a platter. Cover with salt and pepper and garnish with fresh basil.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.