Chia Jam Recipe : No Cooking Required, 3 Flavors
I'm sure you're pre-tt-y tired of hearing about chia, right? Somewhere along the line it went from chia pets to super food and then main stream. But for those of you who maybe bought it in bulk and haven't quite used it up yet, this recipe is your saving grace. Here's one recipe to make three flavors of chia jam that makes an awesome addition to yogurt, smoothies, oats or even a schmear on toast.
Nutrition Need to Know:
1 ounce of chia seeds gives you 40% of your fiber needs for the day. FOURTY PERCENT! That will help keep you full for sure. Chia also gives you a nice dose of protein and also magnesium. Your last need to know is the omega 3 content. They're a tiny beauty booster food!
Get the full recipe I made for Washingtonian here.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.