Women In Food: 10 Questions with Food Fashion Illustrator Gretchen Röehrs
Have you ever had so many people show you the same thing because it reminds them of you? We're talking dozens of people tagging me or emailing or tweeting me to show me something. And that thing they're talking about? It's the work of Gretchen Röehrs who seems to be best known for her work illustrating and photographing food as women's clothing. So when I OBVIOUSLY emailed Gretchen to see if she sold her pieces (She does. And I'll take an entire wall of these please), she also agreed to do a women in food interview. And since Gretchen doesn't currently blog, I think the artist behind the work remains mysterious in a fun way. Which is why you should stop what you're doing and read these ten questions with food fashion illustrator Gretchen Röehrs.
Gretchen Röehrs: @groehrs
1. Tell us about yourself and your business.
By day I’m a UX designer for mobile applications in Silicon Valley, but I always seems to find a way to keep my foot in the door of the fashion world. My illustrations are less a business and more a hobby!
2. If you could define your food philosophy in one sentence it would be….
Life’s too short to eat bad food.
3. What are your 3 must have foods in your kitchen?
Butter, butter, butter… I mean olive oil, eggs, and fresh tomatoes.
4. It’s your birthday. What are you eating?
All the pasta I can fit in my body, and then some. I usually rely on Tosca in San Francisco to make this happen.
5. Signature cocktail?
My partner introduced me to a modified negroni, which I adore, but I’ll always be a sucker for a nice Hendricks with cucumber slices on a creaking porch on a hot summer night.
6. Food you can’t like no matter how hard you try?
I welcome the day when someone can make me happily eat eggplant. It’s gorgeous, but gross.
7. What are your go-to resources for all things food (websites/magazines/groceries)?
I’m spoiled in California—I just need my farmer’s market to feel inspired! I love digging through old issues of Gourmet magazine.
8. Food fad you wish would die a horrible death?
Pumpkin spice anything. What even is pumpkin spice?
9. Must have kitchen tool:
My Japanese chef’s knife. I adore it.
10. What’s the one thing you learned this year that changed the way you think about food?
I got a garlic press and it changed everything. Including my breath, permanently!
Yeah. SO. Now you obviously understand my obsession with Gretchen's work. Follow her IMMEDIATELY for produce laden eye candy on Instagram. See more Women In Food interviews here and let me know who you think would be a great interview!

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.