Taco Tuesday Party Inspiration
How was your last bit of "summer"? You know, since summer actually ends in late September but it's no longer okay to wear white pants and also the fact that pumpkin spice is available. It's bittersweet knowing that in September everything ramps back up to full speed. Everyone is back in the office. I used to hate the slow pace of summer (although this summer wasn't slow AT ALL), but now I find myself back peddling and feeling like I didn't enjoy summer enough! Did I drink enough rosé in the middle of the day? Did I spend enough time on the water? Did I have enough fun? Am I stressed out about the calendar? (No to everything except the last question).
Maybe that's a good feeling to have. To feel like your life is very full and bid farewell to a specific season with a little bit of yearning for it to return. I'm already looking forward to another summer in St Thomas, that's for sure. Beyond the travel this summer (St Thomas/BVI, Disney World, NYC, Maine and Atlanta), we've just been booked with content creation clients and for that we are so thankful. Now that we've been working together just shy of one year full time I'd say that leap was a pretty great decision. Unfortunately because we have been so booked creating for clients and working out the final details of a major house renovation (seriously, down to the hinges) we haven't had a lot of time to play for the blog.
But you know what does make everything better? Tacos. Taco night is never a bad thing. And it works during every season. So if you're confused if it's fall or summer, just go with tacos tonight.
Here's some taco night inspiration we shot for Food Network recently.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.