Virginia Vineyard Merlot Harvest
Virginia Vineyard Merlot Harvest: Bluemont, Virginia with Walsh Family Wines at Russ Mountain
Sometimes when Chris and I talk about our favorite parts of our childhood, we talk about how we wished the other could have experienced something. Chris wishes I would have been around while his Grandparents had a horse farm or were big into tailgating (elaborate “tenting”?) at the horse races each spring and fall. I wish Chris would have been able to experience a grape harvest while my grandparents had their Chardonnay vineyard.
Where we live in Virginia is a hotbed of vineyards, wineries and tasting rooms (a friend put it well when she said “If you’ve got two gateposts and a vine you call yourself a vineyard these days”). But it certainly wasn’t like that in the 1980’s when my Grandparents started their vineyard. In the 80’s when the first vineyards began in the county there were around 3. In 2019 it has over 40.
Working with the governor of Virginia on his Wine Grower’s Board, Grandpa helped some of what you would recognize as the more prominent vineyards and wineries in the area as their founders came to visit (and see just how hard farming would be). They would spend the day (or more if they could handle it), seeing what needed to happen for a vineyard to function. And it was not fun, or glamorous, or relaxing.
Regretfully, I only really remember a handful of harvests before the vines were pulled due to disease. But I do remember leaf pulling. I remember the smell of the spray that goes on the grapes (and I kind of like it- sorry!). I remember picking roses that grew at the end of the vines, planted to signal disease early.
But what I really remember is this:
The only harvest rule: "There will be no discussion of politics, county taxes or religion through the grapevine."
Vineyards, and farming of any kind is hard work. Harvest shows the fun part. So while this looks stunning and beautiful, remember that this was taken on the perfect morning with gorgeous weather. You’re not seeing the hundreds of hours before.
I was so lucky to meet Sarah Walsh of Walsh Family Vines earlier this year. She was nice enough to let us come pick a row or two and capture it. So thanks Sarah for letting us come to the fun part on the perfect September morning. And thanks for letting Chris experience his first vineyard harvest!

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.