Sweet and Salty MSG Miso Caramel Brownies
For a more meaningful, smarter holiday, send these sweet treats that hit lots of well-rounded tastes (sweet, salty, and umami!).
Disclosure: This recipe is sponsored by Ajinomoto, our longtime partner who inspired our initial deep dive research on MSG. To learn more, visit WhyUseMSG.com.
Let’s start out acknowledging this holiday season will be different. Really different. My personal POV? Different isn’t bad or good. It just is. So you might as well make the most of it! Over the past few months one big positive I’ve been seeing is the effort people are putting in to communicate with those they care about. Not out of obligation, but out of a true desire to connect. And I hope, truly, that this extends to the sense of gift giving during the holidays. Which is why we’re sharing this Miso Fudge Brownie recipe that you can send to those you love in three different forms. No stress- We’ve got you covered.
Why Talk About The Holidays in October?!
Back to the holidays for a moment. I know October seems early for holiday content, but as analytical as I am, I agree with market trends that it really is time to start planning for it. Data shows current delivery systems and services are expected to be overburdened during an already busy time of year. That means, if getting something to a destination by a certain date needs to happen…you need to send it earlier.
Many people are also looking for an element of escapism. Of cozy. Of something to look forward to. And on top of that, in a more budget friendly way for the parts of the holiday that involve goods and services. Since 56% of people are planning on spending less this year, it’s the perfect time to consider homemade gifts.
Consider this post and recipe the kick off to our curated holiday 2020 content.
What are DIY holiday food gifts I can make and send? How can I make them more health conscious but still cozy indulgences?
You’ve got loved ones who are sweets people and those who are into salty and savory. I personally like a little salty and savory paired with any of my sweets. I like well rounded. That’s where umami comes in. Umami is a global taste you’ll find in restaurants and homes and snacks everywhere. In our house, we add rounded flavors to most of our dishes with ingredients like tomato, parmesan, mushrooms, onions, and MSG. YUP. MSG. Right next to my salt and pepper like it has been for years.
While I have a massively long deep dive post on why MSG is 100% safe and scientifically proven as a delicious seasoning tool, I also want to highlight that this is so deeply true – I am of course still using MSG while pregnant. Over the past 30 years, scientists, regulatory agencies, and public health organizations have verified MSG’s safety.
Fun Fact: New research in the Journal of Food Science showed that monosodium glutamate (MSG) can be used to significantly reduce sodium in a recipe while also promoting the enjoyment of better-for-you foods like whole grains and vegetables. The researchers were able to achieve a pretty drastic reduction in sodium (31-61% reduction) without compromising taste. In some instances, people liked the reduced sodium dish with MSG even more than the standard version (with 31-61% more sodium). Here’s why this is important: As we saw in the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report, sodium intake remains at an all-time high in the US with 90% of Americans consuming too much. That’s something we can change.
This is simply unquestionable data, but if there’s still something that bothers you or you don’t understand, please reach out to me via the contact page or DM me on Instagram and I will walk you thought it (I mean it).
When thinking about what to send, or using any of our recipe ideas we’ve made below (and we’ll probably end up making several of these throughout the season), we’ll be using MSG as a way to make bolder flavors and reduce sodium. If you’re trying to figure out just how much MSG to use in a recipe, as a general rule, use one-part MSG to one-part table salt to give foods a flavor boost while also decreasing overall sodium.
We’ve got some ideas to get you started:
Hot chocolate mix: Use your favorite recipe involving sugar, cocoa and maybe even some vanilla powder, but add a pinch of MSG and salt for a secret ingredient. This helps balance bitter elements that can sometimes creep up in chocolate.
Dried soup mix: Create a mix or recipe using lentils and spices as well as a decent amount of 1:1 MSG and salt. Since lentils don’t require pre-soaking you can send it all in one bag or jar.
Corn bread mix: Get spicy by adding cayenne or red pepper flakes and add some MSG to round it out. This is SO good with winter chilis.
Everything Seasoning: If you’re looking for something for the veggie lover (or someone who needs convincing that veggies are delicious and good for you), make a spice blend. We love one using dried basil, oregano and parsley with red pepper flakes, MSG, salt and pepper. Tell the gift-ee to toss the veggies with olive oil, honey and balsamic vinegar before roasting with this blend.
Salad dressing: Hi ranch dressing lovers! Make a powdered version loved ones can add to make dip or dressing. It’s the best parts of savory that pair perfectly with veggies- and as we saw in studies, MSG can be an important tool to increase veggie palatability. Did you know traditional ranch dressing actually already uses MSG anyway?
Bloody Mary Mix: Extra acid, spice and salt for me please. Since tomato is a natural source of glutamate, MSG really helps accentuate this drink with inherently present umami!
Crackers: There are great recipes for vegan crackers out there that are easy to add your own seasonings to. I’m thinking tomato cheddar? Use half MSG, half salt, for a more sodium conscious “salty” snack.
Savory short bread: You can send this totally pre-made since these are very shelf stable. Try something new by making your own Ranch powder with MSG to mix in or dust on top.
How do I make and send the Miso Caramel Brownies?
The recipe is a focus on cozy indulgence: These Miso Caramel Fudgy Brownies are a fantastic holiday dessert that uses MSG and miso to pair sweet with salty and umami. That means you’re more satisfied with a well rounded bite, with less brownie! We love these because they’re not cake-like (in our opinion- brownies should be gooey and fudgy!). They're chocolate, but balanced with salty.
2020 is about being flexible and keeping stress low. In an effort to do this, we’re bringing you three ways to pull this, and other gift deliveries off depending on where you live and where your recipient lives.
Pre-Made Brownies: For local door drop-offs only! Listen, it doesn’t get easier than being the recipient of completely made baked goods. If you’re close by, leave a surprise on the doorstep of friends and family and tuck the downloadable recipe card in too!
Send this downloadable recipe card in the mail and have groceries delivered: If you’re all about that grocery delivery life and the person you’re gifting to lives in an area with this service, send them everything they need delivered. Surprise them by mailing the flat card with a note of when to expect the ingredients.
Pre-measure and send the ingredients with the recipe card printables!: If you’re making multiples, this is where I would recommend you go. You can make a little production packaging line and don’t you worry: we’ve got free downloadable recipe cards designed to make them cute. While many super popular DIY ‘mixes’ can be all sent in one jar or bag…it’s because they’re using cake mix. No thanks. This recipe truly makes a better version.
If you’re opting for “option three” to mail these, here’s how to divide the recipe into the three separate containers. You can use any jar or baggie you choose.
Container 1: Chopped chocolate
Container 2: Brown sugar, sugar, and MSG
Container 3: Flour and chocolate chips
When you’re shopping for ingredients, you can buy MSG as Ac’cent in the standard American spice aisle or as Ajinomoto at “Asian” specialty grocery stores, in a bottle or a bag. They’re the same thing, but one is branded for most American groceries.
To make the miso caramel, you’ll also need to send along brown sugar, coconut cream and shelf stable miso (not refrigerated miso) or have your gift head to the grocery to pick these ingredients up. If you’ve only ever seen miso in the refrigerated section, make sure to look near the shelf stable “Asian grocery” aisle. We’ve had miso in a squeezable pouch form at our grocery store.
Sweet and Salty MSG Miso Brownies
¾ cup light brown sugar, packed
1 cup canned coconut cream
1/8 teaspoon flaky sea salt
1/8 teaspoon MSG
1 teaspoon high-quality vanilla extract
2 Tablespoons blonde or white miso
To make caramel, in a medium pot over medium-high heat and add brown sugar and coconut cream and whisk to combine.
Bring to a boil. Once a boil is reached, reduce to medium-low heat to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes to thicken, stirring occasionally.
Add sea salt, MSG, vanilla and miso and stir.
Cool for an hour on the counter. Refrigerate for at least two additional hours. Do not rush! It must chill completely for the caramel to set and thicken.
5 ounces unsweetened chocolate (about 1 cup rough chopped)
3/4 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon MSG
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 300°. Line the bottom of one 8x8 baking pan with parchment paper (two sheets, one going each direction with enough overhang to create ‘tabs’ to lift later) and lightly grease with butter or cooking spray.
(Container 1) In a large saucepan, melt the butter with the unsweetened chocolate over low heat, stirring frequently, until melted.
(Container 2) In a large bowl, whisk the sugar with the eggs, vanilla, and MSG for a minute until smooth. Add the melted chocolate from the pan and whisk until combined.
(Container 3) Add the flour and chocolate chips and stir until fully combined. Spread the batter in the prepared pan.
Bake 40 minutes until the top of the brownies are shiny and the brownies are set.
Transfer the brownies to a wire rack to cool completely. Drizzle with miso caramel and cut into squares.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.