Cucumber Thyme Relish
I've had my issues with the word relish in the past. Certain other word associations come to mind. Chunky. Green. Pungent. Hotdog. Mainly hotdog.
Forgive me relish for I have doubted you. Over the past few months I've come to realize relish is more of a broad descriptor and have even yielded to a cran-orange relish on hot cereal. Per Google, a relish is a 'pickled, chopped, or cooked fruit or vegetable'. Cucumber relish is a nod to that previously described green stuff, but it's crisp, clear, and very light. Thyme is what seals the deal for me in this recipe my Dad whipped up (Stu doesn't measure, so I had to ask a lot of questions to score a recipe for this post!). Each time the relish is mixed, spooned out onto a dish, or even just passed by you around the table, you get the rush of thyme. This cucumber mix is a great condiment that's also a serving of vegetables!

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.