Natural Products Expo East Best and Worst Food Products: Part 1
Of the hundreds of products at Natural Products Expo East only a few make the cut in my book based on personal testing. Many products that came to Expo were based on current market and health fads. If Project Runway has taught me anything, ‘One day you’re in, the next day you’re out’. Sorry ‘bout that study coming out on ineffective Omega 3 supplements before expo. The Worst Product I tried at Expo East:
Full Core Natural Appetite Control Drink- I didn't try every single thing at Expo East, so maybe 'worst product' is a little harsh. However, of the things I tried I still think this title holds true. The fact that this diet supplement was in my press SWAG bag is sad. Unfortunately, dieters are always looking for the next quick fix so it’s likely we’ll see it on shelves (dietitian slams head against desk). Full Core has an ingredients list that’s bigger than your Whole Foods bill, but what it boils down to is a glorified fiber supplement in the form of ‘digestive resistant malodextrin’. How much fiber? 10 grams. What the package doesn’t tell you, but I will because nutrition people have a limited public filter for gastro intestinal discussions, is that much fiber means terrible GI distress if you’re not used to it.
Try it, maybe? While I dug my heels into the ground like a man refusing to enter the Nordstrom shoe sale, the devil’s advocate/husband was curious. One sip later, he said he felt really weird, and that was enough for me to explore. What kind of weird? After the initial artificial taste, numbness crept all over me with a suspicious lasting tingle. Something did not agree with me and that’s just creepy.
The basic premise behind Full Core is fiber keeps you full. But you know what? Vegetables do the same thing. Those fruits and whole grains we always nag you about eating? Yep, those work too. Save your money and skip this weird tasting, likely expensive, and suspicious fiber drink.
Have you seen fiber drinks for dieting? What are your thoughts?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.