I have a special place in my heart for pumpkins. Getting married in October will do that to you. So in part to celebrate our 2 year anniversary this weekend...and let's be real...in part to go play at the pumpkin patch, we stopped by to pick up pumpkins for the house. 

And we carved our gourd-geous gourds (I lie. I gave vague design requests. He carved them with a power drill).

And we couldn't bear to throw out the seeds, so we roasted. Two in one shopping. I like it. 



It almost seems like a crime to de-gut a pumpkin and throw out the seeds. They're packed with great nutrition (especially manganeese) and are a blank flavor slate.  So save your seeds and follow these easy steps. 

easy roasted pumpkin seeds.jpg

How to Roast Fresh Pumpkin Seeds

Scoop out your pumpkin and pick the seeds from the pumpkin guts. Rinse and drain. Preheat the oven to 375. On a baking sheet toss the seeds with a tiny bit of oil and your seasonings of choice.   Sorry, I didn't measure. I go by sight and smell. Toss to coat and bake for roughly 10 minutes or until the seeds are no longer soft. 

If you want spicy salty, go with: 

  • 2 teaspoons of lime juice
  • salt
  • chipotle seasoning
  • paprika
  • cinnamon

If you want sweet, go with: 

  • brown sugar
  • salt
  • cinnamon
  • freshly grated nutmeg
  • powdered ginger

Do you save your pumpkin seeds? How do you season them?


Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.