As I sit here typing out this simple two ingredient recipe, it's nearly ten PM. Therefore, it's my bedtime because I have the internal time clock as someone who is eighty. And speaking of eighty-somethings, the husband and I spent the afternoon helping my grandparents unpack boxes and hang art in their new retirement condo (BTW, we didn't finish. They plied us with wine and cookies and then we went to dinner because that's what grandparents do.).

After over twenty years in their vineyard house in the country, they've downsized and finally decided to stop plowing two feet of snow off of their steep gravel driveways and bush hogging a few dozen acres of land....which they are more than entitled to do in their eighties. For this move they simplified their collections of things from several continents worth of travel to their favorites. And I can't help but appreciate that simplicity in a world of busy, a world of numbers and measurements like I've just described... even when it comes to cooking. A simple dessert, made with the simplest ingredients is all you need some evenings regardless if you're eighty-something or twenty-something. 

Cantaloupe Coconut Shake 
Cantaloupe Coconut Shake 
Cantaloupe Coconut Shake 

Cantaloupe Coconut Shake 

/// Ingredients ///

  • 1 c cubed cantaloupe (MUST be in season and ripe), chilled 
  • 1/3 c coconut milk
  • top with toasted coconut chips 

/// Directions /// Scoop and remove seeds. Cube cantaloupe and remove from rind. Add coconut and cantaloupe to a blender. Puree. Serve in a glass and top with coconut chips or shredded coconut. 

I beseech you: please only make this recipe with summer ripe cantaloupes! No conference cantaloupes allowed! You know, the ones that are practically white and hard and tasteless. The combination leaves you with a purely tropical, smooth and creamy treat that has much more flavor depth than you would expect from only two ingredients. 

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.