Foodie Phone Background: Chocolate Chip Polkadots

Disclosure: Thanks to HP and their new Sprout computer for partnering with me for today's post! #CIY #SproutbyHP

I am with my phone all day. It might as well be my third arm. It's one of my most essential business tools and my main communication with my favorite people. (Although, side note...have you ever wished you could text your pet? Or is that just me?). So that being said, I like something a little fun but not too busy as my phone background screens. Which is why I made this chocolate chip dot background download for you! It has the perfect spacing for the bottom dock and clock. Simple, streamlined and ready for you to enjoy!

Foodie Phone Background: Chocolate Chip Polkadots 
hp sprout
hp sprout

All it took was a big bag of chocolate chips to scan in, some arranging and tweaking and ta-da! If you are someone who has always wished you could take real life objects and scan them in and rearrange/add text with your hands, you are going to freak out over the Hp Sprout! After scanning in items from the work pad, you can adjust them in scale and direction on the screen.  Click below on the image to SAVE AS and use it as your phone background! 

Foodie Phone Background: Chocolate Chip Polkadots

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.