You Need a Sous Vide Machine
You Probably Need a Sous Vide Machine- an ode to one of our favorite pieces of equipment.
Over the course of the past few years we have seen a myriad of small kitchen appliances come and go in popularity. Rarely do we partake in these trends. As minimalists, and people who will research the heck out of anything before purchasing to take up valuable space in our home, a small appliance needs to be versatile, fit our cooking style, or produce a vastly superior end product that feels unachievable other wise. And if we look at that list, I think we can all agree it’s no small feat to hit those markers for an appliance.
We love our Kitchenaid stand mixer, we love our Vitamix, and we love our ice cream machine. All meet the standards we set for small appliances. When our first Anova sous vide machine arrived one holiday from Chris’s aunt and uncle we were kind of…perplexed? Not excited about the prospect of an item taking space in the kitchen? And THEN we tried it and understood. The sous vide produces the most precise cooking that you have always tried to achieve with your oven or stove top but it does it correctly every time.
The best example I can give is with meat. You’ll try to get meat to a specific internal temperature, but often that means you end up over cooking parts of the meat and drying it out. Not with sous vide. Sous vide is easy, automated, and fast for infusing flavors that would take weeks.
Sous vide is a cooking method in where an item, be it steak or fish, carrot or alcohol, is placed in a bag or container and dropped into a water bath. This water bath is kept at a precise temperature by the machine that both regulates heat and moves the water around the item.
The machine that makes this magic happen is a slender cylinder that can be clamped onto a variety of vessels including a cooler, stockpot, or large restaurant tub (our method of choice).
To read more about the sous vide and get a recipe for cooking salmon AND a batch cocktail, head to The Inspired Home to read more.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.