2021 Gift Guide
A curated 2021 gift guide for…everything.
I hear you. It feels far too early for the holidays…but like last year, we like to make sure the holidays are the least stressful they can be so you can, you know, actually enjoy the holidays. In 2020 that meant shipping gifts early, and in 2021 that means shopping post-haste due to supply chain issues.
Our goal has always been to simplify the complex. To plan and research to prevent problems. So trust us when we say if you’re holiday shopping, do it right now. Items are selling out. Items are stuck in ports. Make your purchases now, store them or send them and stop your stress ahead of time.
In general, we also recommend looking at local artisans and companies and buying that way! Opt for local pick up and skip the shipping entirely. Our plan is to mostly buy from one artisan and purchase variants of the same item for people on our list. We have an infant, we’re allowed to ultra simplify (we’re also adding an entirely different second business that involves product development because we like to make things very complex). And to that end, we didn’t even break the guide into recipient sections! I’m not sure who decided that technology was for “men” and home good items were for “women”, but we think that’s bullshi* and have adjusted accordingly. If someone likes a gift, it has no need for a categorical division.
Looking back at the past few years of gift guides, we still think so many of the gifts are fantastic. So while we have a bounty of options here, browse the 2019 guide and 2020 guide for more inspiration.
Happy shopping and try not to stress. Okay?
(Disclosure: Some of these links are affiliate links)
Floral Candle Stick note this has already sold out- but worth looking at the wide range of options

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.