Cheese Lovers Unite
You always hear people talking about what food they could never ever give up. For bacon lovers, they say it would be impossible for them to embrace the vegetarian lifestyle. Breadaholics pray they are never diagnosed with Celiac disease. If we're being honest here, I would cry a little if I had to give up cheese. And then I would start bawling once I realized that included Brie too.
Here's the 101 on cheese storage and serving for your next soirée from
- Unpasteurised cheese with a range of flavours should not be sliced until purchase otherwise it will start to lose its subtlety and aroma.
- Keep the cheese in conditions in which it matures. Hard, semi-hard and semi-soft cheeses are stored in the temperatures from around 8 - 13 C.
- Keep the cheese wrapped in the waxed paper and place it in a loose-fitting food-bag not to lose humidity and maintain the circulation of air.
- Wrap blue cheeses all over as mould spores spread readily not only to other cheeses but also to everything near.
- Chilled cheeses should be taken out of the refrigerator one and a half or two hours before serving.
- Cheeses contain living organisms that must not be cut off from air, yet it is important not to let a cheese dry out.
- Do not store cheese with other strong-smelling foods. As a cheese breathes it will absorb other aromas and may spoil.
- Wrap soft cheeses loosely. Use waxed or greaseproof paper rather than cling film.
- Let cold cheese warm up for about half an hour before eating to allow the flavour and aroma to develop.
Confused on how to pair wine and cheese? Cheese Cupid (also available for i-phone) will help you find the perfect pairing from either a wine, or cheese, starting point. It also gives you information about each so you have the knowledge to help your guests. I started with Brie and found that it could be served with Champagne, Chardonay, or even a fruit beer.
Peace, Love, Cheese.