10 Minute DIY: Paper Fruit and Vegetable Note Holders
When fall rolls around and stores haul out the school supplies...do you ever lament the fact that you've been out of college for a while now? Dietitians always feel that way. We love organization. We obsess over colored highlighters and especially sticky notes. And we are all over any office supply that has a food design on it.
Every once in a while I enjoy a DIY project and craft sesh, especially if it can help solve a problem. I use sticky notes all the time to move client dates in my adgenda, or to move reminders from month to month. The problem? When I can't actually find the sticky notes. By securing the small notes to an easy to find (pathetically seasonally nutrition oriented) location, we remove the lost sticky note conundrum.
Want to keep your notes cute and in place in your agenda? You'll need:
- Card-stock in various colors
- Thin cardboard (Think shoebox.)
- A produce template (Google. Print. Sketch.)
- Glue
- Sticky notes
Using your produce outline, cut out the base color of cardstock and a cardboard backing. Glue these two layers together. Look at the produce details from your Google search. Are there seeds? Is there an inner color? Leaves? Stems? Once you're satisfied with the produce, take your stack of sticky notes and glue the back onto the cardstock produce shape.
I paperclip my butternut squash to the front of my agenda, but this could also find a home on a bulletin board. Get crafty! What shape will you do?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.