If you're not married, or just not a sports fan, FYI the Super Bowl is this weekend. I have no personal interest in this game as a fan of neither participating team, but I will be mourning the end of NFL season. Football fan or not, any excuse for a fête is worth while. Skip the obvious decorations of astroturf, jerseys and footballs and throw this chic Super Bowl inspired party. Inspiration board: Keep the peace and party in this referee like black and white tent.  Break out the glitter and coordinate your nails with your team and find a matching peplum dress. While Ravens fans should deck themselves out in talon jewelry , show your support for San Francisco with everything golden. Meanwhile, feed the team with fruit and pastry skewers and blackberry or raspberry smoothies (depending on where your allegiances lie of course). Everyone, athletes and spectators, need a serving of veggies. Instead of crudité platters, offer bite sized salad in a cherry tomato and everyone's a winner.