So remember the other day when I showed you those adorably easy and healthy apple bites? Well, today I'm showing you more apples but these are definitely in the 'sometimes food' category. The cake category to be precise. 


This is a riff on a Fig Cake by Joy the Baker, so I'll defer to her for full step by step directions and an ingredients list. What we did differently though, is put peeled and chopped apples on top and baked it in a 9.5 inch round pan instead of a skillet. Also, I can count the times on one had (one finger) that I've actually had buttermilk in my house. So no buttermilk either...just milk with vinegar. It's all about adaptation.


Fluffy. Fall like. Full of spices. Pretty versatile too... just change the fruit on top! I could easy see this becoming a pear, cherry or plum cake. And let me put my dietitian hat on for a second...serve with apple sauce and more chopped apples to make it healthier. 

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.