Friday Fete: Farm to Table Feast
While 'farm to table' is a definite buzz word and maybe even a selling point trend, it's what I really believe in and try to practice. During the summer months, eating and celebrating food straight from the plant is the easiest it will be the whole year. So before everyone resumes their busy body fall schedules, slow it down and celebrate the farm.
How to celebrate... Farm to Table style.
- Head as much out to the country as you can. Rent a small cottage or go visit Mom and Dad. We're talking gravel roads and lots of trees. Preferably no cell phone reception so you can actually enjoy the people. This stone house is a dream.
- Decorate with wooden produce crates and greenery filled designs like this shot from Style Me Pretty. Cabbage has major impact for not a lot of money and when you pair it with flowing leafier flora like ferns, it has nice balance.
- For the table, use small produce containers and fill with berries or tomatoes for vibrant color and low arrangements. This party that Kate Headly shot is so cool. I want this party.
- Serve roasted tomatoes with goat cheese and herbs. White on Rice Couple has a great recipe.
- Cheese variety + produce = winning. It's colorful and gorgeous and it's part of the fun to mix and match. Thanks Martha.
- Invitations need not be boring thanks to A Subtle Revelry. Stamp with vegetables on plain paper. Brussels sprouts are especially pretty.
- Surprise balls are something that are new to me, but an older tradition. Anthropologie sells a vegetable version, but you can totally make your own!
- And for a guest gift, pass along seed starters in ice cream cones. Totally disposable, totally adorable. Nicely done Sway blog. Or, give a produce printed tea towel with genius farm packaging.
- Also totally in love with heirloom Parisian carrots which look like radishes!
What are your thoughts on farm to table? Hate the trendiness and live it already?

Carlene Thomas
Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.