Paleo Wedding Cakes and Desserts in DC
Attention DC area dessert seekers and specifically, brides: Are you looking for a cake for your wedding or event but you have food allergies or are seeking a Paleo option? You need to connect with Out of the Box Bakery! Every recipe, frosting included, is gluten free, dairy free, soy free and made without processed sugar. And if you've ever tried to accomplish such a cake at home and make it look good, you know why this is such a big deal. So much potential for ugly, not yummy failure, that's why.
After meeting two of the ladies from Out of the Box Bakery at Blog Brunch DC earlier this summer, I knew I had to clue you guys in. While there is a similar bakery option in the Virginia suburbs I like to recommend to people seeking vegan, gluten free or dairy free cakes, I just love the way OOTBB lets the natural beauty of ingredients take over when they decorate. With flavors like lemon berry buttercream (below), pistachio and dark chocolate ganache, there is definitely something for everyone.
Even though I am super up front about the fact that I am just not into Paleo eating and lifestyle (you know transparency is important to me), I love that these ladies put so much work into figuring out how to work with more wholesome ingredients. And they make it look amazing. I can also tell you their crumble is out of control good! Let the food speak for itself.
So now you know! If you're seeking a diet specific cake in DC, such a thing does exist!
///Image courtesy of Out of the Box Bakery///

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.