It's that weird time of year between summer and fall. I just had an internal argument with myself whether or not to put away my summer wardrobe and pull out fall items. I JUST DON'T KNOW! Because as I schlepped bags of new products to test out for you guys away from Expo East today, sweating wearing pants and a blazer, I thought "SHORTS ONLY". And then I got home and was more "Did I just see leaves change color?". 

So if you're in the same mood as me (seasonally unsure) this is the recipe you need to make. It's a healthy tomato potato soup. You can use the leftover tomatoes from your garden or CSA and pair them with a heartier, creamy potato soup. Rational, yes? Get the recipe on Washingtonian Mom. 

Recipes Between Seasons: healthy Tomato Potato Soup

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.