There are still a few melons to be had at the market but I've got to be real: Some of them are a little sub par. If you've ever purchased a watermelon and brought it home to find it's a little bland and a lot seedy, this is your solution. Today's post will tell you what to do to deal with the seedyness and the 'meh' flavor. 

Summer Produce Solution| Seedy Watermelon to Watermelon Juice Drink
Summer Produce Solution| Seedy Watermelon to Watermelon Juice Drink

Dealing With Seedy Watermelon

I'm the type of person where I CAN-NOT-DEAL with trying to not eat the bajillion seeds in a watermelon while I take a bite. I usually start shifting them around in my mouth or picking them out by hand but I usually give up. It totally ruins the experience for me when I get a full on seed fest. To save the melon, put it through a food mill. Cut the melon from the rind and put it through to remove the seeds. I use my Grandma's food mill, but here's a 2 Quart Food Mill you can pick up online. By pushing the melon through basically a rough sieve, the seeds are GONE. 

Summer Produce Solution| Seedy Watermelon to Watermelon Juice Drink

Dealing With Bland Watermelon

Man is that the worst. You think you've picked a good one but you were wrong (See how to tell if it's supposed to be a good watermelon here but basically go for heavy with a yellow spot and it should sound hollow when you thunk it). If you slice in and are disappointed with the flavor, we've found that adding lime zest and juice helps pump it up and honestly...adding a little sugar does too. To make these drinks we pureed the food milled watermelon with sugar, ice and lime juice for a sweet treat. And let's be honest: this is also awesome with vodka. 

So don't be sad when you scoop up the last of the melons at the market and they're less than stellar. There's a way to fix it and enjoy the last sliver of summer! 


Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.