Efficient Wellness: 5 Ways to Practice Wellness While Traveling
5 ways to practice wellness while traveling- like actual usable tips…not drink green juice if you hate it.
I’m about 12 hours removed from my latest work trip. This time it was NYC for two days for some deskside magazine editor meetings with a food client. I LOVE this type of work! But it does have it’s draining properties. Most of my work related travel means I need to be “on”. Witty. Smiling. Not an a-hole.
Over the past few years, travel has become a regular part of my work. During my peak travel season, I’m at the airport every other week or every two weeks. I didn’t used to travel frequently (there’s the understatement of this entire blog). In fact, I used to be incredibly stressed when I traveled, suffering from devastating flight anxiety for years that kept me from travel all-together. But as travel became a big part of my life… I feel like I’ve figured a few things out.
In my latest Inspired Home article, I’m sharing five ways I’ve worked on my wellness-while-traveling routine.
This is not your ‘drink water- bring green juice’ advice. I hope this will be a worksheet like post to help you figure out what YOUR personal biggest hangups around wellness and travel are, and how to fix them.
Happy travels. Wash your freaking hands.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.