I'm willing to give all foods a chance. Even sardines. And especially for National Nutrition Month.  In fact, sardines have taken on an air of mystery for me. The dietitian in me knows they're an excellent source of vitamin D and omega 3's. The food dabbler in me knows they could be a nice salty and umami underlayer to a sauce or spread. Heck, I've even seen Martha Stewart use them on party menus. How could Martha be wrong?

When I was growing up, my grandparents would give us a nickel if we tried a new food. Now? I'm wishing I was paid for my sardine experience. But it's going to cost you way more than a nickel.

It's not to say I was going into this recipe sketched out by the general dislike our population has for the canned fish. Like I mentioned, I had some lingering curiosity. But playing it safe, I disguised the headless fish in an olive parsley spread recipe by Jamie Oliver.

It was the Holy Fail of sardines.

Yes, I gave this new nutrition rockstar of a food a chance. But you couldn't pay me enough to eat the rest of the sardine spread. So readers I need your help. Send me your best sardine recipes if you've tried these scaly scoundrels.

At least we got to make a fun (if not slightly creepy), stop motion from all of this!


Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.