It's nearly spring and we're eeking towards wedding season! Whether you're the beautiful bride or a gorgeous guest, looking your best for the wedding has a lot to do with food and nutrition. All of the make up in the world won't cover unhealthy skin, so it's time to build a healthy foundation naturally. In this wedding wellness post, I'm sharing five DIY foods to use on your skin for a spring glow. 

Kiwi: Exfoliate and moisturize. Perfect if you have some almost paseé kiwis.

  • 2 kiwi, skinned
  • 3 T plain yogurt
  • 1 T almond or olive oil

Blend the skinned kiwis. Add yogurt and oil until combined. Apply a thin layer face and leave on until dry. Rinse face, using the kiwi seeds to exfoliate.

Honey & Yogurt: Moisturize. Both products soothe and hydrate the skin.

  • 1/8 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/8 cup honey

Mix yogurt and honey. Apply to face and leave on for five minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Oatmeal:  Soothe. Oatmeal can help reduce irritation and itching.

  • 1/4 C oats
  • water

Put oatmeal into a coffee grinder and pulse. Add enough water to make a loose paste and apply to face for fifteen minutes. Rinse and remove.

Baking Soda: At home microdermabrasian. This is one of my favorites to exfoliate. I also add a sprinkle to my tooth paste for whitening (really, it works for me).

  • 3 parts baking soda
  • 1 part water

Mix into a paste and apply to face in a circular motion. Rinse and pat dry.

Apple Cider VinegarToner. Clense without stripping your skin of natural oils. Many people suggest Bragg's apple cider, although I've done it with the garden variety vinegar.

  • 1 part apple cider vinegar
  • 8 parts distilled water

You don't need to buy expensive products when foods you have in your own kitchen do it better! Not only is this wedding wellness nutrition for the inside, but the outside too.


Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.