Each year, National Nutrition Month has a new theme and goal. You can read about the history of NNM here if you're interested in being a know it all! This year the theme is 'Get your plate in shape!' to support the new government nutrition graphic 'My Plate' which replaced the Food Pyramid. But what does 'in shape' mean to you? While the goal is to encourage Americans to meet standards like 'make half your plate fruits and veggies', 'make grains whole and a quarter of your plate', I think what we are missing are the in between steps.

In shape looks different to each of us.

Instead of a standardized perfection, I encourage you to pick small changes to make in your existing habits that you can sustain past March! Wherever you are in your nutrition journey, be it switching from 6 cans of soda to 2, or trying a new variety of kale in your daily salad, make a small change.

 Here are my favorite archived Figments to help get you started:

To the RDs: What was your favorite NNM? 

To all: What change will you make this month?

-Carlene Future RD

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.