Weekly UpdateCarlene

Weekly Updates 3.4

Weekly UpdateCarlene

  • This is the most purely girly drink I've done for Limn and Lovely. Go check out this plum vanilla martini and definitely use it for a bridal shower. As it's March, I'm currently experimenting with beer and cocktails. Bocktails?

  •  Poached eggs are my favorite, but sometimes I don't have time to do them during the week. Especially with jury duty last week (happy to do my part but luckily wasn't selected). Husband made whole wheat biscuits this weekend and we added spinach on top. Sure, scrambled eggs are mindlessly easy, but you also have to add a lot of fat to make it delicious.

  •  We went to the country for a dog birthday party. My parents are empty nesters and even though the two younger siblings are home from college on spring break, they both flew across the country for vacay. Needless to say my Mom proceeded to play a birthday party for the family dogs. Kobe (stumpy hound dog in front) was elated to run off leash and see his girlfriends.

  •  The Meal Makeover Moms were sweet enough to feature me as part of their Month of Meal Makeovers to celebrate National Nutrition Month. I shared my skinny French Onion soup with the mammas. See the whole collection on their Pinterest board 

This week is all about conference calls, a cooking class and National Nutrition Month kick off.