Weekly Curated Links and Updates
Hey there! Gosh it's been a while since I've shared some awesome links with you. And also, a quick moment of honesty, I haven't created any new content for the blog. I talked about this in my August Favorites video, but dang guys...It's an intense month of projects before I hustle my little booty over to Tennessee to speak at the Food and Nutrition annual conference. I promise I've got some good stuff lined up to film and photograph this weekend to share for next week! So until then, here's what's happening:
Mashable says my avocado toast recipe should be consumed when your life seems meaningless.
This was hilarious. Sometimes when you check your blog stats you get a spike in traffic. So then you check referral links. And that's when your blog is like "Hey, you were on Mashable". And if my recipe is giving you a way to give your life meaning, I'll take it.
Curated Links
- How produce has changed and how we can tell through paintings. A great piece on Yahoo Food.
- Have you ever needed to read off of a teleprompter? Here's how to practice on a website that scrolls.
This tribe in Ethiopia turns nature into fashion and it's gorgeous.
Here's what the "ideal woman" looks like in 18 different countries via Photoshop.
Living with a design oriented person, he shows me the coolest things. Like, for example, did you know Herman Miller made picnic posters? And that they're glorious?
Aaaand to top this all off, I bought art yesterday of a topless woman and I did not realize, until I posted on Instagram, THAT THIS PAINTING APPARENTLY LOOKS LIKE ME. So now I have an unintentional semi naked portrait of someone who looks like me in my house.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.