Every Friday I always think about the lady who ran the salad bar cash register at my college. EVERY. FRIDAY. She wished every damn student in line "HAPPY FRIDAY". Happy Friday Phyllis was my favorite. There was also this guy who made gyros who liked to wish us a 'cucumber day', but I digress...

weekly videos

Top 10 questions about being a dietitian nutritionist: This is by far, one of the most requested videos/posts I get. If you have questions about being a dietitian in consulting/private practice/blogging (basically not doing normal dietitian things) please take advantage of this video. Also...stay for the bloopers.

How to cut a mango: First I did how to cut a pineapple. Now I get weird produce processing requests and I'm more than happy to make them happen.

VLOG: I go eat in DC, visit some Senators and Congress people. And also order pizza to eat in bed. #Truthiness. 

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.