Weekly Curated Videos and Links
Happy Friday! Guys, I cannot get enough of this weather. High 70's and low 80's everyday. No humidity. Sun. I am outside as much as I can and THANK THE LORD I have wifi that reaches my patio. This week the husband kicked off 'The Month of Carlene" to celebrate my birthday (June 10th) like the awesome person he is (hell yes I'll take a month!) and has been planning little fun adventures for me. We hit a new plant nursery this week that was gorgeous and I walked away with a white lilac and black magic petunias (you guessed it-almost black!). Today though...we are at one of the best events of the year: a spring antique market where we always score big. Many of the things from my office, including my life-sized greyhound statue, are from this market. I'm going to try and VLOG the market or our finds to show you how we score our antiques.
In the mean time, here's what you missed and what you need to check out:
- I totally grew up on Jim Henson and the Muppets (side note: I really want to see I Am Big Bird). It's one of those things that's made to seem like it's made for children, but in reality it's to entertain the parents. The Muppets are finally getting another show on ABC. And since the trailer includes a legal weed joke, I'm all in to see where this goes.
- New England Journal of Medicine: A new study shows that introducing peanut butter between 4-11 months of age resulted in fewer peanut allergies at age 5 vs those who avoided them.
- Crucial DC News: restaurant openings in 2015.
- I always keep an eye out for produce print clothes. These lemon print shorts are like $10 and I am THIS CLOSE to ordering them but feel like I need to try them on.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.