Weekly Curated Links and Videos
It's officially summer and it feels like it here in the DMV! On Monday I went outside after dark and was startled by the lightening bugs! Talk about right on time. We've been working on some exciting things in the Healthfully Ever After office this week. First is really stepping up the game on YouTube (Go check it out. We are actually very proud that we made peas, yogurt and cottage cheese so exciting this week). We're also ramping up the next big reveal for MaoHaus: the master bed room. As I type this, the husband is ripping out some existing built in shelving in the room so we can get to the floors to see if the original wood color is under there. We're vacillating between painting the floor or just sanding them like we did to my home office. This is going to be a really impactful room to redo since it's actually a totally different room than we are currently using as a master suite. The new master bedroom is actually a room we are using as an upstairs living room. Victorian houses are weird...I promise this will eventually make sense.
We also spent some time at Mosaic District in Fairfax at the Fit Foodie Run. My little sister ran the race, placing in the top 30 for women and top 70 total (almost 700 people). And then she went to an Insanity work out. And then NBA dance practice. And I went to eat breakfast burritos. I have to be honest that Fit Foodie Run is both in a great location and a horrible location: If you don't give yourself AT LEAST an hour before the run, you're not getting in period. We got blocked in a closed off section of road that the cops and roped off trying to get to the race and then couldn't find parking at all. So just a word of warning: if you do it next year, get there way, way earlier than you think you need to be. But that being said, Mosaic is awesome and the festivities post race were joyous.
1. 5 Healthy Snacks for June : I always get questions about what I personally eat, so each month I'm sharing my top 5 snacks for that month (hello seasonality) on YouTube. Here's June:
2. A simple, 5 ingredient healthy summer pea recipe: We've been getting peas in our CSA and I put off using them TOO LONG. This recipe helps us finish the entire batch in one sitting.
Carlene is on...
- This is the coolest stop motion ever. See 'guacamole' happen.
- Lauren Conrad (a-la 'The Hills') banned the word 'skinny' from her website.
- This blogger heard her face was on Times Square...and she wasn't paid for the advertisement/use of likeness.
- My teacher in elementary school used to think using a calculator was cheating. I think she actually might die if she saw Photo Math App which solves the math problem with steps after you take a picture.
- I just filmed my June favorites for you (up next week on YouTube) and one of my top picks? This nail polish top coat/fast dry layer. They are NOT KIDDING. This stuff is amazing.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.