thanksgiving cranberry orange relish

Something possessed us to buy a three pound bag of cranberries at Costco for our house of two.

Me: That's a lot of vitamin C.

Husband: We can infuse vodka with the leftovers.

Sold. In reality, we knew we wanted to make at least one batch of our favorite cranberry orange relish in time for Thanksgiving. Oddly enough, two years ago nearly this week, I posted the same recipe on the blog. The photos are hilariously horrible. We've come a long way. Please feel free to click over and enjoy the beginnings of "food photography" on Healthfully Ever After as you realize the progress and then click over to Glitter Guide to see the recipe!  

I'm so excited and thankful to be working with Glitter Guide on this post! GG has literally been one of my daily reads for a very, very long time. 


We love this on hot cereal or oatmeal, scones or….duh, turkey. If you also dislike canned cranberry for Thanksgiving, maybe you and your's will appreciate this fresh take. Since vitamin C is a great cold fighter, think of it as preventative food medicine an an extra collagen boost for your skin. 


This recipe is not only a healthier, less process version of canned cranberry sauce, but it's gorgeous to boot! It's the perfect festive addition to a cheese plate, onto of a cheese cake, or even with the turkey. 

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.