I can't believe it's almost February. For real, WTF? January is notoriously busy in my life but I didn't realize how fast the time has gone: people are more focused on healthy in every way meaning dietitian life=crazy. There are project kick offs and big plans for the new year. It's exciting and I love it! I love a full schedule! But also it's exhausting and I have to be careful not to be 'go-go-go' all the time or I burn out. This week alone I've had a bundle of recipe development projects and photo shoots, corporate wellness events, a career fair, and some catch up on my campuses as they come back from winter session. Oh wait...and a dental crown. Ick.

One of my highlights of the week: I'm really excited to share this article on Refinery 29 where I shared my favorite healthy places to eat in the DC metro area including Le Pain De Quotidien, Founding Farmers, The Wine Kitchen, and Wegman's among others.

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Where are your favorite healthy places to eat? What's your go to order?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.