BloggerScene Event: Mari Vanna DC
Earlier in the week I went to Mari Vanna in DC for an event called BloggerScene. Mari Vanna is an adorable new Russian restaurant decorated in a babushka's attic sort of theme. The event was hosted by the Fabulously Broke sisters and Ashley in DC as a way for DC area bloggers to learn and party. I mean, can you even beat that?
There were so many new bloggers to meet. Basically because I was the new face in the room with this group!
If you've been reading for a while, you know I've been a food and health blogger for my two years of writing....but over the past few months we've moved into lifestyle territory with the Currently posts and Friday Fetes. Being a straight up dietitian had been my goal for so long, I tried to keep other things I loved out of the blog to be taken 'seriously': parties, decorating, fashion and even my Kate Spade obsession. But after taking a good long look at how Healthfully Ever After has changed, I feel it's right to start to share with you more beauty and fashion alongside the beauty food. Hell, there may even be some outfit posts.
If you've met me in person, follow me on Twitter or Pinterest, you know what I share there is 100% Carlene. It's so common for people to say they feel like they know me because what I share on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram is exactly how I am face to face. So needless to say, the blog is going to embrace the whole enchilada...and I hope you all like it!
One of my favorite ladies from the evening was Ashlyn from Let it Be Beautiful (above). She's about to graduate from PA school and is just a dear to talk with. I also spent time with Liz from What Dress Code and Christina from Proper Hunt who were so sweet and great cocktail mates.
Everyone had great shoes. Our photographer grabbed me and two other ladies to snap some of the most interesting shoe shots. These are mine: a suede red with a bow and surprisingly comfortable.
After chatting, the hostesses had three fellow bloggers come and do a Q&A session on some of the back end aspects of blogging.
To all of those I met this week, I'm thrilled to meet other like minded ladies!
Outfit: Dress: Need Supply Co./ Shoes: Apt 9 /Nails: Revlon in Love That Thai Red
Note: All photos courtesy of John Robinson Photography and posted with permission. See the full album and other work.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.