Outfit Post: Chambray and White
I am way late to the chambray outfit post party. Mainly because I had major issues overcoming the mental label I had bestowed up on the shirt... the 'denim shirt' was a little too close to Ina Garten territory slash every Mom's early 90's summer apparel (note that it's crucial for the early 90's Mom to wear both light colored jeans AND the denim top). So.... I was wrong. And I kind of feel bad I had a chambray hate fest for so long.
After really falling for J. Crew's tunic popovers last year as part of my spring and summer uniform, I knew I needed another one to throw in rotation. And I'm glad I did. Paired with white pants this outfit looks way more classic and 'put together' than if you separate what this closet staple outfit truly is: neutral pants plus light colored loose top.
These white pants have been in my closet for probably close to five years. They're originally from J Crew in a straight leg cut. And for those of you who have hesitated buying white pants for fear they'll get dirty, fear not. I am a mess. I will 100% drop something on myself if I'm wearing white. That's why there's Oxiclean and bleach in the world. If light colored pants work on your body type, go forth and purchase!
The tote in the picture is also a new favorite for reusable bag use, especially at the farmer's market or running errands down town with multiple stops on foot. It's from Kaufman Mercantile and comes in a few colors, all of which are heavy duty cotton canvas AND are made in North Carolina. The handle drop length is perfect since even if you carry it down by your side, it doesn't touch the ground. The bag also still has a structured seam layout, so there's actually a bottom and walls (not one big pouch without a bottom). Also, it is totally usable for a guy, so the poor husband doesn't feel weird carrying a pink or vegetable covered bag that I maaaay have in my Prius C trunk. Eventually, I'd like to switch all of our reusable bags to this.
Outfit: Navy Bag: Kaufman Mercantile/// Gold Initial Ring: Lou Lou /// Earrings: Marc by Marc Jacobs (similar Kate Spade) /// Necklace: Dogeared/// Sunglasses: Vintage Ray Ban (new version) /// Shirt: J. Crew/// Pants: J Crew, old (similar matchstick version)/// Mocs: Handmade by The Hitchin Post (American made deer skin and I just found out they closed their doors-wah!)

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.