Edible DC
Finding worthwhile magazines, books and blogs is like finding the Holy Grail. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find one that isn't some old theme done up to look pretty and new. I'm over blogs that just repurpose someone else's content. So that being said, when I find a GREAT one, like Cherry Bombe for example, I have to share!
The Edible community brand has been around and all over from Arizona to Long Island...just not to DC. And before about two weeks ago, I had no idea who they were. Oh and BTW, in 2011 they were awarded the James Beard Publication of the year award. So when I started seeing them around the Instagram world, my interest was piqued. And then when I saw DC photographer and fellow historic home renovator Kate Headley shot the cover, I was curious. And then when my neighbor told me she was featured I was basically like, "What the hell? Where can I get one?". So when two days later Deborah from The Good Forks (who I met at the last Kinfolk event and is amazing) showed up to brunch with a copy for me. She's a mind reader.
Somehow in a single, kick off issue Edible managed to tap into everything amazing I've been seeing in the DC area. They interviewed my neighbor and bread instructor Melinda Friend from Knead and Know who I have raved about so many times. They talk about the girls from Gordy's Pickle Jar who are constantly giving pickles to Kinfolk events the husband and I attend. Edible talks picnics, Dolcezza Gelato (where we went earlier this year for a Kinfolk dinner), and they also talk with Luca from Barboursville Vineyards. YES. The SAME Luca who we had lunch with in June. What in the world?!
For my DC area readers you have to pick up this amazing publication. You can either order a subscription to have it delivered or pick it up for free or even read it online!

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.