Blog Brunch DC Recap
On Sunday I did brunch. But it was the kind of brunch that leaves you excited about life, living authentically and glad to live in the creative D/M/V instead of vaguely buzzed from mediocre drinky-poos. Joy from Mornings Like These and Rebecca from A Daily Something hosted the first Blog Brunch DC at the Sweet Root Village Studio this weekend and I'm so glad I attended.
I saw old friends like Yvonne, the amazing photographer who is also fluent in Japanese. I saw recent friends like Chelsea who I met at my most recent cooking DC demo. She works as a nurse but has a great eye and a passion for photography. I also met tons of new people that I can't wait to email and meet again! My favorite part of this entire gathering was the time we spent just listening. Each person said a bit about who they were to the group but within those few minutes, you felt connected. Instead of being limited to chatting with a few people, we all had the chance to interact and hear everyone's stories. I seriously think every meet up needs this.
One of the common themes of the day was this sort of 'authentic' life: going for the scary unknown work situation with your passions, doing what makes you happy no matter what that looks like. Many people felt they were living double lives and needed creative outlets (hence, blogs or instagram accounts), while others had recently taken the plunge to being their own boss and pursuing what really fired them up. I felt very lucky to be in the group who had taken the leap a few years ago to be living that passion. Perhaps the most wonderful thing about this blog brunch was there were no conversations about blog stats or comparing or feeling honestly was just a time to soak in the energy from people who loved what they do and be excited about the collaboration possibilities. Also to eat pie and drink green juice. Very important.
Here are some of the amazing goodies we went home with. From antique trolly coins, Rifle Paper Co notepads, to a fun DIY project and Trouvé magazine...which is DEFINITELY getting a post of its own.
If you have the chance to go to an event near you, just do it. Whether it's a class, a dinner or a blog get together: GO! Over the past two years of business I've learned connecting in person is so important. Putting yourself out there to go to events alone is a must. You don't have to always bring a friend. Meet new friends, people who can be part of your tribe and let them in. A year ago there was definitely a question of "am I in the right city?" when we bought our house. It seemed like we were the only young people. Or that we were the only people who cared about healthy, sustainable food, quality products, learning new things... But today I know we absolutely are. Because of these events, from parties to blog events to dinners, the husband and I finally have found 'our people'. So as we wrap up June, I encourage you to get a date on your calendar. Be okay being 'offline', slightly uncomfortable or unsure of yourself. Connect, be your authentic self and enjoy.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.