Good Morning! I have something really fun to share with you all today! You get to hear what I sound like recorded. (Insert emoji with uneasy expression, large teeth grin). 

Carlene Thomas RDN, LD of Healthfully Ever After on Bridal Rebellion Podcast

Most of you probably don't know this but I actually give webinars/teleseminars/presentations pretty regularly within my profession so this isn't my first trip to the 'hear your voice recorded' rodeo. If I have to assign total discomfort in that realm, that award goes to the video media training I did in Georgia where I accidentally said shi* on film when I thought the camera was off. FYI, it wasn't. I bet the recording guy got a kick outta' that one. 

I recently recorded this podcast on Bridal Rebellion where I was interviewed by Kira, the founder and host. It was really fun. I even fully admit my hatred of running and my love of cheese pizza on air while you can hear my cray-cray animal zoo playing and generally wreaking havoc in the background.  Good times. 

Listen to the podcast as I share my non-traditional wedding, more about Healthfully Ever After, wedding wellness tips and tricks and everything in between. On iTunes? Download it here. 

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.