Beauty Booster Breakfast: Antioxidant Rich Grapefruit Salad
Guys. It's citrus season. CITRUS SEASON! For me, this is the big produce item I get excited about in the dreary winter months. So what better to make than a big plate of citrus salad? Packed with vitamin C and hydration this salad is a healthy start to your morning (or even as a dessert. You do you.).
Let's talk about the star: grapefruit. Florida grapefruit is on point right now (super sweet, super juicy) since the peak season is January-March pretty much at the perfect time when not a lot of other options are available in the produce world. I know some of you get sketched out by the 'meh' exterior skin of Florida grapefruit. It can be speckled,a little brown...just not picture perfect some times. But you know what? That's the what makes it a Florida grapefruit. Because of the soil content and subtropical climate, it makes the inside fruit sweet and juicy, but the outside...well, don't judge a book by it's cover.
Here's the nutrition 411 on citrus. One half of a Florida grapefruit alone has 100 PERCENT of your daily recommended about of vitamin C. WHAT. Not only that it's a source of fiber, potassium, vitamin a and phytonutrients. The red and pink colors that grapefruit are known for are because of lycopene which helps fight free radicals that can damage cells. Hence, beauty booster food. Majorly.
Beauty Booster Breakfast: Antioxidant Rich Grapefruit Salad
makes 1 serving
/// Ingredients ///
- 1 Florida grapefruit
- 4 kumquats
- 1/8 C pomegranate kernels
- 1 mandarin orange
- 1 handful fresh mint
///Directions/// Slice grapefruit into sliced rounds (see picture above). Once you have a stack of slices, take your knife and slice off the rind and pith (the yellow and white outer rings). Follow the same procedure for the mandarins. Slice kumquats in half. Layer the fruit and sprinkle with pomegranate kernels. Pluck mint leaves and slice or tear to place on top.
What's your favorite thing about winter food?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.