Renwick Gallery: A DC Must See
Man, do I love museums. Growing up in the DC area as a kid, you get kind of burnt out on museums. With all of the Smithsonian options close by, every school trip was to (guess where!)...more museums. Not exactly thrilling as a fifth grader. But on your own terms, to explore a museum of whatever really strikes you is the most wonderful feeling. No time limits. No ultimate goal when looking at something (Define the social, political and economical inspiration for the following sculpture that ignited the labor strike of...). And like I mentioned on Instagram, when I'm a little frazzled these days, the museum is exactly where I want to go. This week it was the newly re-opened Renwick Gallery and the WONDER exhibit.
Now, as a little back story, Renwick itself has been around a long time. Both my parents and grandparents remember going there decades ago and in fact, it was the US's first building expressly designated an art museum. But this new exhibit is SO now and SO current, please don't write it off as 'boring art'. You'll love it.
I know since many of you may be coming here for the holidays, or if YOU have guests coming here for the holidays, you're looking for something to do with the family. PLEASE GO TO RENWICK! This is the perfect size museum for people of all ages. They're large scale pieces of highly visual art, photography is encouraged, and you can easily do this museum in under an hour before people get tired. So if you're going to go take the family to see the White House, stop next door at Renwick. Did I mention it's free?
Okay, quick fun fact about this lighting piece above. Not only is it weirdly relaxing to watch (the light shifts down each strand in a random pattern and then changes right when you think you figured out what the pattern is), BUT it felt kind of familiar. If you're from DC, it probably feels the same to you....and that's because this is the same guy who did the people mover Concourse walkway hall in the National Art Gallery between the East and West building wings! (Thanks husband for cracking that code)
I hope these were enough to tempt you to go see the full exhibit! Let me know what your favorite room is!

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.