My 4 Favorite Ways to Relax and Recharge
Disclosure: Thanks to HP for sponsoring today's post! You'll love their partnership with Meghan Trainor and the behind the scenes!
If you're like most people, January was cray-cray on your schedule. It's like everyone finally woke up from the holiday hibernation and realized there were a million things that needed to get done. Having my own business for a few years now has taught me, among many things, that it's important to take time to relax, do 'nothing' and wind down. Being go-go-go all the time makes me crash and then I'm just no good to anyone!
The idea of doing 'nothing' on the weekend may freak you out. So if you're having a mini 'must plan all the things' attack, do this instead: make a list of all the things that make you feel more calm, happy and re-energized on a piece of paper. That's your 'nothing' weekend list. They're activities. But they're activities with the purpose of filling up that positive feeling after a week of crazy.
Here are four of the things on my 'refill' list!
1. Antiquing: I guess this is part work, part play but I LOVE the thrill of the find. I'm always on the look out for food styling props for my business but also the fact that we're furnishing (perpetually- we won't buy something just to fill a space) our victorian house in a way that fits the home and our style. On this particular trip I found a gorgeous glass cake stand for a project, a gold square mirror for a second project and then these copper nesting measuring cups. DYING. When I'm antiquing another thing I always keep in my brain is that I can look something up if I have an inkling I can get a better price or I've found a true gem or if it fits any of my current project needs. I actually check my ongoing prop list and inspiration boards before a purchase to make sure I don't just pick up things without a point! On my HP x360 I useflat tablet mode for use on the go since it becomes a touch screen! If you're looking for tips on antiquing and my favorite spots, I'm sharing those later this week!
2. The Farmer's Market: Oh my gosh, totally my happy place. I love seeing what's in season. I love being inspired to make something or to photograph something for the website and myself. And my splurge is usually a freaking beautiful smoked cheese or maple bacon or bunch of flowers. I'm so excited for the summer markets!
3. Cooking/ Food Prep for the Week: I get a serious sense of zen by being in the kitchen. Knowing I can prep a soup or snacks or juices to make our life easier and healthier Monday through Friday calms me. If I'm something that needs a recipe that I'm not comfortable improvising (or I'm watching YouTube --remember you can subscribe to my channel!), I throw the HP x360 into tent mode to take up only a tiny bit of space on the counter and I can see just the screen while the keyboard is out of the way. Heck yes, efficiency.
4. Inspiration gathering on the couch with the cats: Pinterest, magazines, catching up on shows like Downton Abbey. Like a bad as*. If I need to just super chill and snuggle up, I catch up on visual media on the laptop. The felines seriously swarm up around me as soon as I sit down (I mean, do you see Mochi and Tango above??). If the husband and I want to watch a movie or show, I shift the HP x360 into stand mode. We are ridiculously excited for the new seasons of House of Cards and Better Call Saul!!!
During the summer I have to add a fifth favorite: outdoor concerts and plays. Here in the DC/VA area we have a gorgeous national park that's also a concert location called Wolf Trap. Usually the husband and I go 3-4 times a summer and have dinner and cocktails on the lawn while we listen. Heavenly. If you're itching for concerts right now too, HP is going on tour with Meghan Trainor to document it with the help of fans. Girl can write a hook.
What helps you fill up your emotional positivity and relax on the weekends?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.