Recipe for Two: House of Cards
There are certain shows on TV (Slash only internet? Is TV still a thing anymore? I don't know!) that suck me in. Like fully engulf my life. Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Better Call Saul, Mind of a Chef are all top contenders. And then House of Cards happened and my life will grind to a halt every February as Netflix releases every episode of the season, all at once. So let me just emphasize that last part: you have access to every video, from the moment you start. Which means you are inevitably going to watch two and then turn to whomever you are watching with and say "One more?" six more times that day because you can and also because you can't stop watching. Netflix has cracked the code on addictive television and for that I love slash hate them.
House of Cards is just so, so good for so many reasons. As a DC metro area-er I can tell you we love to see the city in a story and even better if it revolves around the bat shi* crazy that is conniving personal politics. I love it because Claire Underwood is the best dressed character I've seen in a long time in a very DC realistic way (I know people love the wardrobe from Sex and the City, but for one is wearing that in public in real life). I love it because this show makes you simultaneously loathe the underhandedness of Francis and also root for him. And lastly, because the best five seconds of television happened in the last scene of House of Cards season two.
So let's just back up and say, I HAVE NOT WATCHED SEASON THREE. Mainly because I have shi* I need to do and I KNOW I will be sucked in for an entire weekend. I can't crack open this Pandora's box until I have plenty of time to do nothing. On that note, here is your inspiration for your House of Cards recipe for two date. To clarify, it's the date where you go out on the town, not the date where you sit in your pajamas on the couch all day and binge watch.
Style & Life essentials
- Get a no-nonsense, timeless black tote bag. This is a Rebecca Minkoff version and you cannot go wrong with this purchase.I might be a new loyal Rebecca Minkoff follower after my recent purchase.
- Update your specs. The husband has Warby Parker glasses and they are awesome. Check out this classic version.
- Probably the most important Claire Underwood style icon status item is her dress. She always has a bad ass very structured and clean monotone dress with a little bit of edge. This one, is totally calling my name.
- Not practical if you are a normal citizen who must walk, but if one has car service.... these shoes.
- If you are looking for a phone case that's equal parts edgy, interesting and minimal, look no further than this black python phone case. And you can get your initials in gold. If I didn't already have a case, this would be a top pick.
- Need to dress the guy?
- In DC we drink. Often. If you're not quite ready for bourbon on the rocks, try my cherry muddle version!
- If you want to workout but not brave the DC winters, the Underwoods seem rather fond of a rower.
Your DC 411
- Read up. The Evolution of DC.
- Why Vogue calls Claire Underwood "The Best Thing About Season 3"
- Washingtonian took a look at Claire's powerful wardrobe.
- How well do you think you know DC? Washington Post lets you guess on a map where scenes are shot and where they actually are filmed.
- And if you're local, DC.Org has an entire date night itinerary...including BBQ.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.