Food Network Feature: How to Style Your Summer Drinks (RAINBOW ICE!)
Memorial day weekend: the official slash unofficial kick off to summer (late June people). The weekend where your parents say it's okay to wear white shoes/pants (but you've definitely been doing that for weeks at this point. Also, is that still a thing?). Where the pools open. Where you always need a beverage in hand. So in that sprit of outdoor entertaining beginning, it's only appropriate to show 7 awesome ways to style that summer beverage that we made for Food Network. There's a new idea for a cooler (it's a flippin wheel barrow filled with ice that when it melts you can use to water your plants by tipping it-YES!). THERE'S RAINBOW ICE. And one of my personal favorite images we've done in a while: garden garnishes.
And as a behind the scenes look into what we do: it was legitimately still chilly two or so weeks ago when we shot this, and yes, we bought several bags of ice, faux filled half the wheelbarrow with clear packing air things and dumped cubes of ice on top. And yes, our neighbors constantly get nosy and ask us what we are doing. Answer: HAVING AN AWESOME TIME. STOP LEANING OVER AND SPYING INTO OUR YARD! Summer also brings outdoor nosy people. I forgot that one. Do they have a spray for that?
7 Ways to Style Your Summer Beverage

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.