Weekly Round Up: Videos and Links
Greetings! I am back from the "beach". If you follow me on Instagram, you saw I had a quick 24 hour trip down to Virginia Beach for our annual state nutrition conference. I use the term beach pretty loosely because it's still basically 60 degree air temps right now in Virginia (not beach weather) and I touched about six inches of sand one time during the trip. To put it in perspective, Virginia Beach is about thisclose to North Carolina in the farthest South East corner of the state...four hours away. So I had a bit of a drive. To amuse myself (realistic), I vlogged the trip and I'll put it up next week!
In the mean time, we also found out there is a PREGNANT SKUNK living under our neighbor's house. We know because WE SAW HER drinking out of a puddle in our driveway this morning and the town's animal control refuses to relocate her. So needless to say, the whole block is a little upset with the skunk situation. Riveting. I'll keep you posted.
NO. There is a skunk drinking out of a puddle in my driveway. He is very very cute but I'm not leaving the house. pic.twitter.com/iSt1Qs7ppU
— Carlene Thomas RDN (@CarleneHEA) April 16, 2015
On to the videos...
VIDEO 1: Join me as I grocery shop at Wegmans! Lots of you wanted to know more about Wegmans which is a gourmet/natural/amazing grocery store. So I figured I'd show you!
Curated Living Links
- It's business time pencils. I used to have ones with my name printed in gold. They were awesome.
- This hack for how to slice hasselback potatoes is brilliant.
- How to make lilac infused water. One of my favorite spring plants!
- Want to still see your favorite shows and save time? YOU NEED GOOGLE CHROMECAST. I can't say enough about Chromecast. Less than $30 and we can catch up on whatever...just stream it from the Chrome browser. Game changer.
- How to tie a 200 pound turban. Please at least fast forward to the 1:30 mark where he's also riding a badass motorcycle.
- I randomly stumbled across this blog (as one sometimes does...jk all the time. This is always how obsession starts.) called House Tweaking. She has this series where she features IKEA KITCHENS and how unbelievably good they are. Like you see these kitchens are you totally think they are ridiculously expensive, custom...but they're Ikea.

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.